At the 2011 AHA conference in San Diego, CA, Sean Paxton served this desert at the banquet. It was a huge hit. Problem was that the recipe was never posted on his website, which he stated it would be. I did find a yahoo video where he was interviewed about the cooking for the conference. In the interview I was able to gain some insight on how he might have made this wonderful desert. Matched with a solid flan recipe I already had, I came up with this recipe. It has been a hit every time I made it, including the one I brought to the COHO meeting many months ago.
Here is my Hop Infused Flan recipe... enjoy!
Hop Infused Flan:
2/3 C Pale Dry Malt Extract (DME)
2 tablespoons water
1 (14oz) can Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 C Heavy Cream
1 C Milk
5 eggs
1 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
1/4 oz Cascade Whole Hops (in steeping bag)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. In a small nonstick saucepan, heat the sugar and water over medium heat. Shake and swirl occasionally to distribute sugar until it is dissolved and begins to brown, about 5 minutes. Lift the pan over the heat source (4 to 6 inches) and continue to brown the sugar until it becomes a dark golden brown. You may slightly stir while cooking, but continually stirring causes the sugar to crystallize. Pour caramelized sugar into a 1 1/2 quart casserole dish or a large loaf pan, and swirl to coat the bottom of the pan evenly.
3. In a blender, combine sweetened condensed milk, cream, milk, eggs and vanilla. Blend on high for one minute. Place into a small pot and apply med-lo heat. Stir occasionally until mixture starts to steam slightly. Do not bring to a boil.
4. Place hops into steeping bag and place into warm mixutre. Steep for about 5 minutes, or to taste. Pour over the caramelized sugar.
5. Place the filled casserole dish into a larger pan and add 1 inch of HOT water to the outer pan. Bake in preheated oven for 50 to 60 minutes, or until set.