Ted Hausotter of Good Libations passed this information along regarding their annual Kris Kringle Challenge in Baker City, if you have anything brewed in Category 30C, enter it!
The Good Libations Homebrew Club Presents:
The Kris Kringle Challenge
Only BJCP Category 30C entries (Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer) will be accepted.
Competition Date: January 25, 2020
Entry Deadline: January 17, 2020 (late entries accepted please contact me)
Entry Fee: $8.00 per entry – Make checks payable to Ted Hausotter.
Two 12 ounce brown bottles with blank or blacked out caps are required. Flip top style bottles will not be accepted. Use the standard BJCP entry form, with bottles labels attached with a rubber band only.
Location: Hop Heaven
3825 23rd st
Baker City OR 97814
Entries can be shipped to or dropped at Hop Heaven in Baker City, or dropped at the following locations:
F.H. Steinbart Co.
234 SE 12th
Portland, OR 97124
Hop Heaven (shipping address)
3825 23rd st
Baker City OR 97814
The Best of Show prize will be four pounds of hops shipped at no cost to anywhere in the continental United States courtesy of Hop Heaven in Baker City.
Please contact Ted Hausotter at if you have any questions regarding this competition. tednjodie@msn.com 541-980-2487